So I pass by a couple of parks in fancy neighborhoods while I work. Its hard not to notice all the people walking, jogging, playing, and walking their dogs. I never payed much attention until recently. It occurred to me that these dog lovers have to "clean up" after their dogs. Now I know the reason. Who wants to go to the park to play ball with junior and have to keep one eye on the lookout for poop. So let me just say that I understand, not that I go to parks very often. We play ball, or whatever, in the pasture. Sure there are presents left by the cows, but it is certainly not near as yucky as dog stuff. I mean, who hasn't enjoyed a good cow patty fight? Why, just the other day.....
I just had to laugh to myself while watching the 30 something with her fancy jogging suit and $100 pair of walking shoes, and her little plastic baggie. Following her "baby" around just waiting for him to go big. I thought we were the master, right? "Come on Fido, please go so I can pick it up and make it to the spa by one."
I wonder if there is a community class or homeowners association mandatory meeting that teaches people how to properly pick up poo? Place hand into bag, all the way to the bottom. Grab poo with bagged hand. With the other hand, invert bag over poo hand. Place poo bag in approved receptacle. Knowing todays society there are probably special types of bags. You sure can't use a Wal-Mart bag. They sometimes have holes in them anyway. I'll bet, before long, there will be recyclable poo bags. Don't want too much plastic in the landfill.
Someday when I have nothing to do I am going to get into my best sweat pants and go to the nicest park I can find. I'm going to pretend to be exercising or something. I want to just happen to bump into one of these bag people just so I can work into the conversation the question, "So whatcha got in the bag?" I might need a hidden camera to capture the look. I just hope I can do it without laughing. Who would want to answer, "A bag of poo."?
I don't know. It just strikes me as kinda funny. The whole idea. And after the walk in the park they load their pet into their Mercedes SUV and go back home. Just funny.

El toro Negro