Monday, January 10, 2011

Just Another Wondering (and a Problem Solved)

I wanted to title this one "If it Tastes Good Spit it Out", but I realized that I already have a post with that title. In a way this one goes along with the previous one. It has to do with food and eating.

The new year has just begun and I have witnessed various people in my life attempting to be more healthy. A very worthy goal indeed. I applaud them and wish to do the same myself. Eat right, exercise, and live well. My problem, not that I am very over weight, lies in the eat right area.

I love to eat. I do it all the time. You might say that I am addicted to it. I can't go more than a few hours, maybe a day, without succumbing to the pangs of the addiction that inflicts my life with the never ending desire and need to eat. They need a twelve step for me. I am an addict of food.

I sit around and wonder. Everyone does it. This time I wonder about food and hunger. I realize that our bodies need a certain amount of fuel to carry on the tasks that keep us alive and healthy. But what is it that causes us to eat more than we should? Why over do it? Once we get the needed amount why do we ingest more? Is it solely for the taste? Is it a subconscious need? Maybe it is because we dislike ourselves and it is a way of self-punishment. Some would probably throw us in the same boat with all those who suffer from other addictions and say we had a bad relationship with our mothers, whatever the heck that means. It could be peer pressure. I remember as a kid that it was cool to be able to eat more than your buddy. I have heard that people do it because they are bored, but of that I am not convinced. Whatever it is, I don't know. But what I do know is that there are great masses of people that do it.

My wondering leads me to think that there may be a solution. Why no just spit it out? Get your favorite food and enjoy. When you get the urge to swallow, when that point arrives, just spit it out. You get all the taste and I suppose a few calories, but I would suppose that the vast amount of what causes us to get fat would never make it to the stomach. Hurrah and whoop. Problem solved.

I mean, what is it that makes us want to swallow anyway? Why go through with the ingestion part if you have already satisfied the nutritional requirements for your body for the day? It may be that there is a biological demand that forces us to eat, and eat. We would get the taste. We would scratch the itch of occupying our mouths. It would even have other benefits as well.

You may be thinking, ooh, how gross. The constant spitting and the necessary receptacle for the masticated munchies might keep some on the overweight train, but we tolerate other bad habits, right? There are plenty of tobacco users out there who spit all the time. They might be the first to benefit since they are used to spitting into a cup. We could even re-coop some of the expense by recycling. That's the in thing right now, isn't it? We could sell the slop to pig farms or other types of feed lots. We could compost it and use the methane to fire boilers for the generation of power. The sky's the limit.

How many lives would be saved by avoiding the sure to come heart attacks? How many fewer people would not have diabetes? How many people would be able to fly again without purchasing two seats? How much would we save in medical expenses? The good that could come from this is immeasurable.

I see it as a wining situation for everyone. Just spit it out when the urge to swallow comes. It may take a bit of retraining but we can do it. Lets change the world, one wad at a time. Or are we just too lazy to do it?

El Toro Negro

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The World revolves around me.

We are all aware that so many of this nations population is disabled. Heck, it is easier and easier to qualify for SSI or other type of assistance. As I walk into so many stores (past the 843 handicapped parking spaces) I see so many people park in the "less fortunate" parking spaces, jump out of there cars, and hop, skip and jump into the store. We now classify people that over eat or over smoke or make other crappy choices as having some sort of unavoidable malady. Not that they are completely whole, but that they are certainly more able than they will ever admit. I was in Mexico for several weeks over the last few years and never once saw a store scooter in the WalMart or other big chain stores. Guess its just an epidemic here.

Now the purpose of this post is not to go on and on about how many people don't need the assistance they are getting and are fully able to work and function without these "aids". The purpose of this post is to plead for a bit more consideration by some of these folks.

I was in the store today and a woman, on a scooter, came whizzing around the corner and almost ran me down, while on her cell phone. As if this wasn't bad enough, she didn't even have an excuse me, a sorry, or a my bad to give me. I did, however, get a get the hell out of my way look. I was speechless, and that is rare. I just shook my head and went on my way. As one of my friends always says, "You can't fix stupid."

El Toro Negro

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Wonders of a Normal World

This happens to me a lot as I am sure it happens to everyone. You're just sitting around thinking and certain things just pop into your head. I'm not talking about the something that needs to be added to the grocery list or a chore that needs to be added to the to do list. I'm taking about something that hits you so hard you have to stop whatever you're doing and ponder the light and knowledge that has just entered your mind, sometimes consuming the next few hours or days of your life. I have jotted down a few that have hit me in the last little bit of my life.

The first is a combination of the recent obsession with candles and the fact that the new year has just rolled around. Many of you know of the tradition of eating cabbage and black-eyed peas for new years day. It goes back the the Civil War era. And mary of you have realized that you can't be an upstanding member of society without having at least 13 scented candles in your home. I have to admit that some of them do smell good.

Well I had the thought, or rather wondered, why they don't make candles scented with foods other than fruits or cinnamon buns. Why haven't we ever seen a cabbage scented candle. We could burn it at certain times of the year to remind us of the new year. It might even help all those that made resolutions keep their goal.

I have never worn contacts, but my third son does. He got them a few years back. He likes them a lot better than the glasses he used to wear. I have a car. In order to help keep the windshield clear during a rain I use the product Rain-X. Works great for helping your vision in the rain. I got to thinking that contacts help your vision, and that contacts have to work in a wet environment, like rain. So why not have a Rain-X type product to put on contacts? Could improve everyones vision that wears contacts.

The last one doesn't really need a great deal of explanation. I want to know why steak knives aren't sharp and serrated on both sides. Wouldn't that make them more useful. Maybe I'm just asking for too much.

El Toro Negro