There are no more per text charges and people can not only send words in their texts, but balloons, voice, music, pictures, invisible ink, cartoons and even play games, all right within the text. Along with all these advancements has come the jargon, the abbreviations and made up words specific to texting. They are mostly made up by kids, I assume, but I guess I use them too. Then the auto correct and the humor that can add to a conversation.
Speaking of auto correct, it often doesn't get the word right. While this, for some, adds humor, for others it's frustrating. They can't stand to see a word sent that isn't exactly right. Add to this that most texters are typing fast on a tiny electronic touch screen and you get typos, usually "sent" before they are realized.
Enter the *
I see this from time to time. Someone sends me a text. I get the text, read it, understand it. Quite simple, you'd think. Then, very shortly after the first text, comes an additional text to the first text, and it starts with an *. It goes like this. The sender wants you to know something. They compose their message and send. They then take a half a second to read what they just sent and realize they (or auto) sent a word that wasn't right. And then ***
I'm thinking there could be a couple of reasons for the arrival of the *.
The sender might just have a disorder. They can't stand to have anything grammatically associated with them that isn't correct. Never mind that they are conversing with a childhood friend or their spouse. Not their boss. Not a potential boss. Not the President. Just one of probably hundreds of little snippets of thought, most likely of little lasting consequence.
Or the sender could be worried about your ability to figure out what they are trying to say. You might not be of sufficient mental acumen to read past the omitted apostrophe or missing space between two words to understand. And you must understand. It is critical that you know, that you do not misunderstand, how they feel about the latest hollywood breakup..... or something equally as important.
I'm not trying to say that accuracy in spelling and grammar aren't important or that an * isn't needed sometimes, but there is a place a time for worrying about it, and your everyday text (or blog) isn't one of them, at least for normal people. I don't need the ****
El Toro Negro