Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Here a Butt, There a Butt

I want you to do an experiment that I do every time I walk the streets of any city.  It doesn't seem to matter where.  It is even true in the rural towns.  When you walk from one place to the next, take a look at the ground.  Especially the street corners.  Or while you are picking up cans along the side of the road (what, to sell and give the $ to PETA) just look at the ground.  What you will find is an unbelievable amount of butt.  Cigarette butt.  What the heck is the deal.  

Why do smokers think that their butt is something that they can throw out the window or toss on the ground.  Aren't these people smart enough to know that it IS litter?  Wait, I used smart and smoker in the same sentence.  These butts are made of acetate fibers, not biodegradable.  The planet is said to have 1.2 billion smokers.  A pack a day and you get 24 billion butts.  If only one percent makes it to the ground that is a crap load of butt per day.  They all should go in a landfill.  Or better yet, smokers should be made to smoke the filterless cigarettes.  

Now let me make it clear that I am no greenie weenie.  I can't stand those people that say "We can't drill here because we might hurt a polar bear."  I say drill right through their dead carcass.  Even with that said, I am a planet lover.  I think there are some incredible places that God has blessed us with.  I also think he will hold us responsible for how we treat this gift.  I know he gave us this planet for our benefit, to use, to care for.  I don't believe in trashing the environment just because no one is looking.  I am an Eagle Scout and I do my best to leave no trace.  I clean up my mess, and it sickens me when I see some smoker toss his butt out the window.  They have no shame.  They don't even try to hide it.

Cigarette butts are just the most obvious form of litter that I notice.  There are plenty of other offenders.  Coke cans, beer boxes, Wal-Mart bags galore, bolwn out tires.  I can't say that I have never had something blow out of the back of my truck, but I do try my best to make sure that I don't.  And yes, I do pick up cans along the road (I can't stand PETA).  I have also participated in road cleanup, voluntarily.  

El Toro Negro

1 comment:

shellkb1 said...

I totally agree!!! Even though now days most cars don't come with ash trays anymore, it is still your responsiablty to take care of your butts! When I worked at a sporting goods store in Denver, we only had 30 min. to take our lunch. I would bring my lunch and the Denver Chronicle to read. There was another manager there that would usually take lunch the same time I did. He always wanted part of my paper. I don't mind if someone reads my paper but ONLY after I have read the whole thing. Finally one day I told him that if he would smoke just one less pack of cigerets a week, he would have enough money for a paper of his own each day, including the sunday paper. It always amazed me that it could be 30 degrees outside but that the smokers would always be out there, puffing away.