This friend of mine at work is well know for coming up with, or remembering, little quips and sayings that are at best funny. I really need to write a book and include them along with the experiences he has had as a water man (not to be confused with a plumber).
We got to talking about things and started naming musicals that almost were, but didn't quite make it. (I looked up the def. for on who plays the cello. Cellist) They aren't in any particular order, nor is the list complete.
1: Cellist on the Roof
2: Nebraska
3: North Pacific
4: Mice
5: Larry Poppins
6: East Side Story
7: The Wizard of Ooze
8: The Noise of Music
9: Automotive Lubricant
10: Willy Whackout and the Candy Factory
11: Apparition of the Opera
12: More Miserables
13: The Lion Jester
14: Your Unjust Woman
15: The Czar and Me
El Toro Negro