Friday, December 19, 2008

This friend of mine at work is well know for coming up with, or remembering, little quips and sayings that are at best funny.  I really need to write a book and include them along with the experiences he has had as a water man (not to be confused with  a plumber).

We got to talking about things and started naming musicals that almost were, but didn't quite make it.  (I looked up the def. for on who plays the cello.  Cellist)  They aren't in any particular order, nor is the list complete.  

1:   Cellist on the Roof  
2:   Nebraska
3:   North Pacific
4:   Mice
5:   Larry Poppins
6:   East Side Story
7:   The Wizard of Ooze
8:   The Noise of Music
9:   Automotive Lubricant
10: Willy Whackout and the Candy Factory
11:  Apparition of the Opera
12: More Miserables
13: The Lion Jester
14: Your Unjust Woman
15: The Czar and Me

El Toro Negro

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Jesus on My Floor

I have never given much credence to that special group of people that see the super-natural in ordinary, everyday objects.  That is until today.

You know the people I am talking about.  The woman who found Mary in her pancake.  Didn't she sell the pancake on eBay for an enormous amount of money?  Or the the guy who dropped a small metal bowl, making a dent in it, only to find a cross in the indention.  And the elderly woman who was feeding her cat(s).  She plopped out a can of fancy feast on a glass dish for one of her cats and found a complete replica of da Vinci's The Last Super.  She immediately became a Catholic and joined a convent as a nun.  No one has seen her since the cats were taken away by those animal police on that TV show.  

Today I am babysitting for my wife.  She has gone into town to do some shopping, eating out and may even hit the spa while I am here with the two little ones.  

We have faux wood floors.  (Sorry about the French reference.)  They have a rustic, wood grain pattern on them, complete with knot holes.  Today I noticed that one of these knots looks like the face of Jesus.  I can't believe it.  Could this be coincidence?  Surely not.  I took these pics just as soon a I realized what I had on my hands, and in case it morphed back into an ordinary knot.  You can clearly see the Saviors face.  I went around the rest of the floor looking to see if it was a repeating pattern.  You know, like in wall paper.  I can find duplicates of other portions of the floor, but I can only find on miracle knot.  What to do now.

I am thinking about cutting this piece of floor out and selling it on eBay.  Would that negate the miracle?  Would whatever good I am about to surely receive vanish.  Or I am supposed to sell it and use the money to build a lair, invent a cool costume, build dozens of super gadgets (including a super car), and fight crime and injustice.  Dang, I would need an underground cave for that.  (Underground cave.  Is that redundant?)   I wonder if my wife would notice the absence of a chunk of floor.  

There is the option of donating it to science, or rather super natural science.  They could study the effects of the knot on humanity.  Perhaps being in the same room as the knot would change the mood of those in the room for the better.  A calming effect.  Hey, maybe Hillary can use it in her new cabinet position as Secretary of State, when she meets with foreign dignitaries.  I bet the Israeli-Palestinian thing get solved right away.  She could just carry it in her pocket during her meetings.

Let me know what to do.

El Toro Negro

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Super Friends Heros vrs. Barney

Having 37 years behind me, I can remember cartoons such as Bugs Bunny, Superman and his Super Friends Heros, Batman, etc.  I have never been leery of bragging to my kids about how much better "my" cartoons are than theirs.  I still enjoy watching the "classics".  

I have six kids with the youngest two being 3 and 1.  At my house we still watch some Barney.  This got me thinking.  Are my kids going to be able to brag about Barney to their kids when they are 37?  Me, I don't think so.  What is their to brag about?  He has never fought evil.  He has never saved the Planet from destruction.  He can't fly, breath under water, shoot lasers out of his eyes.  What super powers does he have?  Nada.  I guess he knows how to become extinct.  He isn't even mutated.  Teaching kids to brush their teeth and turn out the lights?  Holding hands and swaying back and forth, singing I love you, you love me. Please.  Where is the glory in that.  He should be a green dinosaur instead of purple.

Think about it.  How many kids out there, if ever on the Jurassic Park Island, are going to try and give the T-Rex a hug, hold it's hand, and sing a song to it?  All that watched Barney.  "Mommy, why did Barney eat little Billy?  Is it a new game?"  

I would love to pit the Super Friends Heroes against Barney and his prehistoric friends.  The Super Friends would kick their butts.  I doubt Barney can even make a fist.  Heck, even Bugs could easily Kick his butt.  And Elmer Fudd.  "Kill the Barney"  Maybe there is a new cartoon brewing.  

El Toro Negro

Monday, December 1, 2008

No more room.

Just wanted to post this pic to illustrate the seating arrangement in the Suburban.  There is a little girl's (blonde) head poking up on the right side of the picture.  The reason that there isn't a pile of luggage in the rear (usually there is) is because we pulled the trailer.  

On the way I asked my wife if she would drive.  I don't know why she does this, but she keep a pile of stuff at her feet when we go on a trip.  This is what I had to deal with at my feet.  Somehow she can sit Indian style for long periods of time.  

El Toro Negro

I GOT to have my Big Mac

We were on our way back from the Thanksgiving fiesta and you know that the kids can't go more than a few hours without wanting to eat.  We were easily persuaded.  We didn't want to fix anything when we got home.  

We took the trailer with us because my wife's parents bought a new house and gave us a bunch of stuff they didn't want for our upcoming garage sale.  So we were parked on the drive thru side of the McD's parallel with the drive thru line.  My wife and several kids go in to order etc.  

I am watching the kids and look over at the cars in the line and noticed this car come around the corner.  This lady didn't seem to care that her car was riding or it's rim.  She acted like nothing was wrong.  I guess some people's cars lean.  She got her food and left the Mcd's, turning on to the highway in front of the store, like nothing was the matter.

I guess that some people NEED their Big Mac, no matter what it takes.

El Toro Negro