Having 37 years behind me, I can remember cartoons such as Bugs Bunny, Superman and his Super Friends Heros, Batman, etc. I have never been leery of bragging to my kids about how much better "my" cartoons are than theirs. I still enjoy watching the "classics".
I have six kids with the youngest two being 3 and 1. At my house we still watch some Barney. This got me thinking. Are my kids going to be able to brag about Barney to their kids when they are 37? Me, I don't think so. What is their to brag about? He has never fought evil. He has never saved the Planet from destruction. He can't fly, breath under water, shoot lasers out of his eyes. What super powers does he have? Nada. I guess he knows how to become extinct. He isn't even mutated. Teaching kids to brush their teeth and turn out the lights? Holding hands and swaying back and forth, singing I love you, you love me. Please. Where is the glory in that. He should be a green dinosaur instead of purple.
Think about it. How many kids out there, if ever on the Jurassic Park Island, are going to try and give the T-Rex a hug, hold it's hand, and sing a song to it? All that watched Barney. "Mommy, why did Barney eat little Billy? Is it a new game?"
I would love to pit the Super Friends Heroes against Barney and his prehistoric friends. The Super Friends would kick their butts. I doubt Barney can even make a fist. Heck, even Bugs could easily Kick his butt. And Elmer Fudd. "Kill the Barney" Maybe there is a new cartoon brewing.
El Toro Negro
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