It seem that they had a little accident that they, at first, didn't want to admit. They ran into each other, WITH SUBMARINES, in the Atlantic Ocean.
So what is so unbelievable about them crashing into each other? Well for one they were in the second largest ocean on the planet. 29.637 million square miles. 6.5 times the size of the United States. And that is just the surface area. It is over 28000 feet deep in places. That's 5 miles of clearance. How in the world do you just happen to run into someone, by accident? Were they running without radar? Did one of them forget to blow their horn when passing through? "Hey buddy, coming through." How many subs can be in the Atlantic Ocean at one time. Crap.
The other thing is what are the French doing with a Weapon of War? Haven't they been looking down their noses at us for being warmongers? Doesn't seem right. Maybe that's why they wanted it to be kept quiet.
In all honesty the article states that quite a few subs use the same areas as "nesting grounds". What ever the heck that is.
Nuclear engineer John Large told the BBC that navies often used the same "nesting grounds". "Both navies want quiet areas, deep areas, roughly the same distance from their home ports. So you find these station grounds have got quite a few submarines, not only French and Royal Navy but also from Russia and the United States."
So if you know there are going to be lots of other subs around, can't you be more careful? Don't subs have those back up "pings", like dozers and UPS trucks (wait, it's FedEx that has the pings), to keep from hitting each other?
El Toro Negro
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