My wife claims that I am nowhere near normal, but just about the opposite of normal, that I am strange and do things that no one else does. (What does that say about her marring me?) So this blog highlights things that I think and do that are the norm, allowing you to judge for yourself that I really am normal.
This weekend there was a wedding reception for the daughter of one of our friends. We all know that receptions suck. They are really stupid. They waste time and really only serve to perpetuate a long held tradition of having receptions. No one likes them. Even the bride and groom hate them. Who in their right mind wants to stand in a reception line and met people they will most likely never see again when they could be on their way to a hotel. They are an expensive ordeal and everyone is relieved when they are over. Almost always you have to wear cloths that you can't wait to get home and change.
As you know I have been attempting to learn Spanish for the past couple of years. This reception was a bit different than the ones I usually try and get out of. The groom and family were from Mexico. They all spoke Spanish and siempre estoy buscando alguien que habla espanol. So you see, this reception was worthy of being looked forward to. I could eat a lot and practice my Spanish. Who wouldn't want to go to this reception. No, I didn't wait in the line to do the hand shake thing. Yes, I gave a gift. That is never the issue.
You ask what I did at my reception. Well, I got on the mike and asked everyone to get in a single file line and my bride and I ran down the line giving high fives. Everyone was so thankful to not have to stand in that crappy line. If they wanted to talk to my wife they could find their way over during the evening. Me, I hid out, waiting to get gone.
In todays day and age the bride and groom don't even have to be there. The can do a video that answers all the standard questions. You know, where are you going to live, where is he from, do you have plans for a family, etc. Then they can just put that video on youtube and be done with it. I mean they are already registered at some department store, and they will ship to the couple. No need to tie up half of a day with something that nobody wants to do.
El Toro Negro