All of the human race has at least one thing in common. Nature demands it, and thank goodness we were able to through out the corn cobs due to the invention of toilet paper. TP. We all use it. Now don't get scared. This won't get gross or nasty.
Over the past several years it has been interesting to see the way certain things have been renamed, for whatever reason. You can't buy soap any more. Its body wash. TP, I thought, had been changed to toilet tissue. I must have missed the latest transition.
My wife came home from the super, mega, shop-a-torium today with toilet paper only it wasn't toilet paper. It is now bath tissue. Still the same soft, two ply, stuff you use to..... well, you know. Just now it has a new name.
I have to admit I was a bit confused at first. I mean, everyone knows what to do with toilet paper, or toilet tissue. That night during my bath, I had the hardest time keeping the bath tissue from falling apart. The soap kept falling through the tissue. Trying to wash my face with it was a nightmare. My fingers kept poking through. Let me tell you, two ply isn't enough. I had to make a big mat of the stuff to get the job done.
And then there is the clean up. There must have been a million little balls of bath tissue floating around in the water. You couldn't stand up without being covered in these little slimy balls of bath tissue. I had to get the window squeegee to get it all off. And let me tell you. Those balls will not go through the drainer.
I don't get it. Its bath tissue. Used for your bath. Toilet paper/tissue works great for its stated purpose, why can't bath tissue. I wanted to return it for a refund, but my wife said they would not accept a walmart bag full of wet bath tissue. I feel like I have been cheated.
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