There are many things that make a house a home. Bedrooms, kitchen, utility room, bathrooms, and closets are just a few of the places that create a living environment that is warm and comfortable, inviting. Our home is no different. I love our home and enjoy passing time there with the family.
Unavoidably, in any home, are surface areas. These are the flat surfaces of the home, and there are tons and tons of them. Hundreds and even thousands of square feet. Just ask the person that gets the chore of dusting. We know that these places are used to store our stuff. Just think of every flat surface in your house.
Take a closet. It has a dresser with a top that people put things on. It might be a jewelry box or earring tree. It might just be a place to put your purse at the end of the day. Then there are the drawers of the dresser. There is a flat surface at the bottom of every one. Cloths, supplies, or spare purses might be placed here for storage. The closet will also have many shelves that have storage space. People put nicknacks, old shoe boxes, or secondary purses on these shelves. They may also have boxes on them that contain cloths for a different season. So when you think about it, a closet will have a multiple of the floor space in total surface area that is available for putting things. The whole house is that way, every room. The piano top, the night stand, the entertainment center, the kitchen table, the computer desk, the end table by the couch, the pantry shelves, the china cabinet, the top of the washer and dryer are all examples. Even the toilet bowl gets a doily with a box of Kleenex. They are everywhere. Our house has about 3000 sq ft of floor but i'm guessing that there is two or three times that in total surface area where things can be placed.
I have come to realize that there are cosmic laws that govern how this surface space is allocated in a home, and only women understand these laws. From what I can tell, after twenty years of being married, the wife gets 77.5 square feet of surface space to put her things, to every single square inch of surface space that the husband is allocated to put his things, and that is subject to change at any given moment.
I just want a few square feet to put my wallet, my phone, and maybe a few miscellaneous items. Nothing major. I always put these things in the same place. I always know where they are. It the normal way that a man opperates. Simple. Well, you would think it would be simple.
For reasons unknown to me, and presumably governed by the cosmic laws that only woman seem to comprehend, these few places that I am given have to change at random intervals. I come home from work one day and things are normal. I can find my things just fine. They are where I always put them. Then the next day I come home and my space has been reassigned. It may be across the room or just one foot to the left or right. Sometimes a portion of my space is requisitioned, confiscated, for the greater good, I suppose. Just gone. Another purse purchased, and I have to make do with a bit less space.
Just leave me the eight square inches I get in the bathroom to put my toothbrush and deodorant.
Just leave me the eight square inches I get in the bathroom to put my toothbrush and deodorant.
El Toro Negro
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