Thursday, November 27, 2008

Crazy Dog Bloggers

I like to look at other people's blogs.  Blogger has a place where you can click next blog.  I think it goes to random blogs they sponsor.  

I hadn't really planned on posting today, being Thanksgiving and all, but I saw a blog that I just had to comment on.  It falls right in line with my crazy cat lady thoughts.  The blog was called, I think, my life as a dog.  It was nothing but pictures of their dog.  Pictures in the park.  Pictures in the snow, mud, trees.  Pictures at the beach.  Pictures of the dog running, playing eating and going BIG.  I didn't see any people.  Probably because the person taking the pictures has no friends.  Only a dog.  Must be that anyone can get a dog, even social outcasts.

I guess it is good that people like that can get a dog.  I just find it crazy that their blog (and more than likely their life) revolves around their pet.  Don't these people have a life?  I am always annoyed by the people that think animals, any animals, are equal to that of a human, no matter how big a loser the human is.  Like these PETA people.  Most are wackos.  

Don't get me wrong.  I love dogs.  But they are more or less expendable, at least in comparison to people.  I have had many.  I once was an avid raccoon hunter.  Max was my favorite hunting dog of all time.  He ended up getting killed one night on a highway.  Dead.  Sad, truly.  But don't lose sense of what is really important in life.  Get the collar and then a new dog.

Isn't it great that we can all have different opinions.  It is just that some of us are right and some of you are wrong.

El Toro Negro

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