Sunday, November 2, 2008

Mastication Addicts

I am not a hollywood fan in the least.  In fact, I think that most of what comes out of hollywood is trash, detrimental to the moral fiber of this country, leading us down a path that ends up with a people numb to violence, sex, and reality.  Not the outer space, zombie, giant spiders eating bulidings kind of reality, but the what really goes on in the life of most of us.  Some would call us the fly over states or the "clingers".  

What I used to hear was that hollywood was only making a representation of the world around us.  I contend that hollywood has always pushed where the edge of extreme is.  Identify what line society finds too much, and then make a show or movie about what takes place on the other side of that line.  It might even be a promotion of what line they think the world of "lessers" should accept.  ( This would be the same opinion that the oboma fanatics have.)

But this post is not about the crap that oozes out of the butt of the US.  (I once thought that New Orleans was the butt of the US, at least until it was wiped clean.)  It is about something much more important.  Chewing gum.  Not the type of gum but the chewing of gum.

You see, everywhere I have gone where there is at least a little bit of properness expected, I have noticed that there are still people that chew gum.  So what's the big deal, right?  Have you ever noticed someone chewing gum.  Not just noticed someone that was chewing gum, but watched them chew gum.  It is really annoying.  A person looks really stupid chewing gum.  Like they can't finish eating.  Now in everyday life, shopping at wal-mart, you don't really notice it.  But in a sit down, be quite setting, it is really noticeable.  The next time you go to church just quietly look around.  You will see them.  They will be there, masticating themselves silly.  

I once thought it was the younger generation, teenagers and younger.  But after a while I realized that it is not limited by age.  It is, however, prone to a certain group of people.  That group is women.  The young and those in the "in crowd" are the ones who do it most.  I would imagine that if you started a conversation with one of these women it would include the word "like" an awful lot and center around what someone is wearing.

What in the world does this have to do with hollywood.  Alright, I know that I just went off of that place and those people, but they can teach us a little bit of properness, if you can believe it.  If you will pay attention the next time you are riveted to an almost daily awards show in hollywood, or even in a movie, you will not see them chewing gum.  Oh, there are exceptions.  If they are in the South and are portraying a red neck they will chew gum in a most obvious way.  But when they are walking down the red carpet they will not be caught chewing gum.  At least they know how stupid a person looks when they chew gum.  Perhaps we can take what little good we can find from these people and put it to practice.  

El Toro Negro

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