Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hairy Ears

I am not that old, only 38. Despite the fact that I am almost completely white headed, I don't consider myself over the hill. I am, however, experiencing some strange changes taking place that I am attributing to aging.

I want to know where it is written in the Great Big Book of Getting Older that the hair in and on your ears has to grow at a rate of three times, or more, the rate of the hair that grows on your head. Dang, I could weave a Navajo blanket with all the hair I've plucked from my ears. I mean, come on, why in the world do you need sevens hairs on your ear to be three inches long. I know it isn't for warmth because there aren't enough to cover the whole ear. It can't be for beauty or attracting a female because it starts at an age where a female would have already been found. It must be some form of joke by the Creator, right. "Now you have to pluck your ears for the rest of your life."

El Toro Negro

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