My kids wanted pancakes for supper tonight, not that I mind. I like them too. It reminded me of when my mom would make them. I have always enjoyed pancakes. They are just an all around good thing to eat.
One of the things that I remember my mom doing when she made pancakes was popping the bubbles that form as they cook. I had no idea why she did that. It never made since to me other than it was just one of those crazy things that a parent does. Could be she did it just to be goofy, or cause us to wonder. I would like to say that it was something that made the pancakes cook faster or make them taste better, but I'm just not sure.
I found myself doing the same thing tonight. While standing, slaving, in front of that hot stove I could not stop myself from popping those pesky bubbles that kept forming. As soon as I would pop one, another would form, taunting me to do it again. I can't be sure of the reason that I was doing it. It, for sure, didn't make them cook faster and they have always tasted good. My kids didn't even notice that I was doing it. It must be one of those unexplainable things in life, like what color does a smurf turn when you choke it.

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