Have you ever heard of those couples that have been married for a long time and one of the spouses finds out something about the other that they didn't know that you would have thought they would have discovered after all that time?
I have often thought that if you are a loving couple, spend time with one another, and are genuinely interested in each other that that would be impossible. I'm not talking about some deep dark secret. I'm not talking about discovering that your husband is a serial killer. Just the little things that you thought would have been out in the open.
My wife of 17 years, today, asked one of my sons to clean out the pantry. She must have not been thinking because I am sure she didn't want us to find out what she had been doing for who knows how long. My son did a thorough job, and came across something that shocked us all.
Lurking in the recesses of the pantry, my wife's domain, was a collection. Something that must have taken a good many years to bring to such a large number. I thought I would have noticed it somewhere along the way. We have lived in four places, moved three time, and I have no recollection of having ever seen this. It is not small and not light. There must be 30,000 of them. Does she have a compulsive disorder? Is she addicted to this thing? Does she need an intervention, a twelve step program?
I love her dearly, and will stand with her no matter what this challenge may bring. As a team, we can work through anything. So far, it had not had an adverse impact on or family, or marriage, but who know where this could have gone.

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