I'm sure you have all heard of YouTube, the site where you can upload videos of just about anything. I have an account myself. I mostly post videos of my kids, but have some that are political, and even have a music video I made where I am singing in Spanish. If you have ever wanted to see something, you have a good chance of seeing it on YouTube.
When you go to the main page you will see several headings in bold. On of them says "recommended for you". I guess they have a way of determining what you would like seeing. It may have something to do with what you have viewed before or what you yourself have uploaded. That brings up the whole big brother thing, but we wont address that here and now.
One of the videos that was "recommended" for me was a fitness video uploaded by someone with the user name of charliejames1975. Now I'm no fitness freak. I don't exercise, at least not in the "go to the gym" way, so I'm not sure why they thought I would like this video. I do my exercising each week by moving 25,000 boxes and push mowing 10 to 12 yards, not to mention the other things that I do around the house.
The girl that is featured in these fitness videos has got to be the poster girl for smokin' hot babes all over the planet. I think her name is Zuzana, and the videos advertise another site. Anyway, these videos consist of her doing various exercises, and last about 8 to 10 minutes. Here is a photo of her. You can also see the site she promotes.

She does all kinds of exercises. She uses chairs and broom sticks as well as does pushups (one armed ones too) sit-ups and jump rope. Really quite impressive as far as fitness goes.
Now you have to be asking yourself what's the point. Well, as you know, for me, there doesn't have to be a point. But this time....... there is a point.
I got to thinking about political correctness, and global goodness, and the environment, and pollution, and recycling, and every other bleeding heart liberal catch phrase that exists. You know exactly what I am talking about. You know how sorry we, as Americans, are supposed to feel because we don't separate or trash into 37 types of recyclable material. Or how we should lash ourselves every day because we don't volunteer to help out the destitute and poverty stricken in Zambia. I feel guilty every time I start up my Suburban. But, I'm in the process right now of adding all my old cordless drill batteries to the drive system of my Suburban, in order to offset my carbon butt print (or is it.... doesn't matter). I'm heading to the Gulf Coast right after I finish writing this to clean shrimp. Enough of that.
I just wondered. How could this girl, and all people that desire to be fit, better serve the almighty Planet. The answer is quite obvious, isn't it? Aren't there places and people that need help. Just the other day at the grocery store I was talking with this huge lady with a Lone Star card. She was explaining how she just couldn't get her grass mowed. She had three sons ages 19, 17, and 16. She tried to talk me into bringing my mower over and cutting her yard. She just didn't want to have to pay.
Why couldn't Zuzana, or her local counterpart, go to this lady's house and cut her grass. They would , of course, have to use a hand scythe. You wouldn't want to use the evil combustion engine. Just imagine the workout and the goodness that would be spread by helping this lady out.
What about the people in Haiti? Isn't there, like, a million tons of ruble there that needs to be moved to the recycling plant? These fitness people could loose themselves in body hardening selfless service by moving all the concrete, by hand.
Just the other day I needed a trench dug. Where were the fitness freaks? In their gyms. In there homes with their bowflexes. Being greedy with their desire to be healthy. Why wont they dig my ditch? They are expending all that energy and all they have to show for it is a well toned body. Why not help someone out AND stay in shape?
I can think of only a couple of drawbacks. First, there has to be someone to video them. This shouldn't be a big issue. We can add another Federal agency that not only coordinates the fitness friends, sending them to those that help, but also has an army of videographers to record and upload the footage of all the volunteerism.
Second, I am not sure that these helpers could always wear spandex. I know it is a requirement of those sexy workout types. I don't think I have ever seen them in anything else. I can imagine how shredded it would get while moving shards of broken building. But, this agency could provide an endless supply of replacement leotards. Problem solved.
What a wonderful world this could be if we all, well, those that want to be fit, would just direct out energy toward helping those in need. We might even be able to get a mandate implemented that would require them to volunteer. Man the things that could get done.
El Toro Negro
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