Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Age Diet

My wife and a couple of her friends are going to try and loose some weight.  My wife 15 pounds, one of her friends is shooting for 100 pounds.  

Have you ever met a woman that doesn't want to loose weight?  I don't think I have.  Even the super skinny, super gaunt, super models want to lose more and more lbs.  

So they are changing their diet (my wife and her friends, not the super models), walking for exercise, etc.  Don't take me for being against my wife wanting to be more healthy.  I don't think she needs to lose weight.  She already has a smokin' hot body, great personality, the whole package.  But if it makes her feel better, then great.  I sometimes find it funny listening to them talk about their diet.

One of the dieters ask my wife where I was when they were walking this morning.  Well the pictures are the reason why I don't need to walk with them.  Not only the work I do at home (digging a ditch or digging in general, is an art, believe it or not, building chicken houses, getting the garden ready, etc), but my work at UPS is fairly physical.  Lately I have been doing pushups ever day.  I told my wife that if she would dig ditches with me or do pushups with me she wouldn't need to go walking at all.  She tried to dig part of a ditch I was working on and she definitely does not have the knack.  Pretty funny in fact.

Imagine a diet where you can eat a lot, as long as it is at least a little bit healthy, and still stay at a good weight.  Imagine a diet that helps you body reach its natural weight, and maintain it.  I bet I could sell a book with this new diet, or start one of those camps that people pay a ton of money to go to to loose weight.  Oprah would probably want me on her show for helping so many people.  It is actually not all that new.  A hundred years ago most people were on it, and it worked then, too.  It is called hard work.    Give it a try.

El Toro Negro

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