Tuesday, March 17, 2009

While the Wife's Away...

My wife and all the kids, except my third son, are away for spring break.  We stayed to take care of the chickens.  Every two hours.

You know how when your wife goes away it leaves you free to do things that she won't allow when she is home.  Well, this week is that time for me.  One of the things she won't allow is for me to save money.  Try as I might, she freaks out when I do this when she is home, at least this one method of saving money.  

When I come in from outside I like to wash my hands.  Who knows what I have been working with, right?  I like to use paper towels to dry my hands.  They work really well and are fast too.  Since it is clean water they are drying, I see no reason to throw them away simple because they are damp.  So, I lay them out to dry.  Usually they are ready by the time I come back in from doing whatever, ready to dry my recently cleaned and wet hands.  

Listen, I'm not impossible on this issue.  I throw them away when the become torn beyond use.  But why waste a perfectly good paper towel just because it has a bit of clean water on it.  And you don't even have to buy the expensive, snooty brand to do this.  The cheap one will give you several uses.  Just don't get too rough drying your hands and you will be fine.  With the economic crisis we are in right now, who can afford to be throwing away money.

EL Toro Negro Ha Hablado

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