Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Love Bugs

Having come from East Texas I know how bad love bugs can be. Let me make it clear that I hate them. They stink and taste bad. I find them of no use.

Thankfully we don't have that many up here where I live. I think it has something to do with pine trees. I was, however, watching one (really two) a few days ago and it got my wondering. Just where are they flying to? Have you ever watched them. They just fly around, seemingly with no purpose. Are they bored? Are they looking for food? If so, are they just hoping to stumble across something to eat? They definitely have no rhyme or reason to where they are going. It couldn't be a mating thing because this one was already hooked up. Is it a defensive thing? Don't think so. I just don't get it.

El Toro Negro

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Panty Problems

I have two daughters. The oldest is 8 and my youngest is three. Over the last eight years, being the good father that I am, I have feed, read to, given baths, blow dried hair and dressed these two more times than I can count. I have done my best to allow them opportunities to learn how to do these things for themselves. Teach them to fish, right?

My oldest girl learned how to dress herself with relative ease. One of the biggest rules is tag in the back. Everyone knows and practices this. Tag in the back. I thought this was pretty standard, until a few weeks ago.

My youngest girl is sooooo independent. She is forever saying "I can do it" so when I saw several times that her panties were on backwards I just figured that she did it by herself and hadn't quite earned the RULE of tag in the back. I mean, I have dressed her many times each week and never noticed that her little panties had changed. It was just natural for me to turn them correctly and have her step in. You know what I mean. The but part is much bigger, has the tag, and that part goes in the back. Why was she having so much trouble?

Upon further investigation I uncovered that there is a vast conspiracy within the panty industry. Someone has determined that putting the tag in the back somehow is racist, and unfairly favors privileged white girls and therefore must be placed randomly. Most of my daughters panties' tags were not in the back. They were on the side, and not always on the right side or left side. It is difficult to put the tag in the back when the tag isn't in the back.

What kind of sick individual would disrupt such a long practiced tradition? Is there someone somewhere sitting in their living room giggling, thinking of all the little girls that have their panties on backwards? Thinking of how uncomfortable and silly they look? Why would someone want to do this? Are they trying to give these girls the feeling that they can't do anything right? It is hard to understand such depravity.

And how do you explain to a three year old that now she has to relearn how to put her bloomers on? How do you answer the questions of "Why, Daddy, did they change it?" What's next, the nightgown industry? Will the little girls of this country be found with their sleepwear on backwards too?

El Toro Negro

Friday, September 25, 2009

You are where you are....

You ever hear of the saying that you are where you are because of the choices that you have made. I believe that to be true. Where we are is a culmination of all choices in life. Take a few small ones out and you are in a different place. Take a major one away and who knows where you might be.

I think that this statement is as true for our country as it is for our personal lives. I realize that the choices our country makes are only the sum of many individual choices, at least in theory. I get so tired of hearing the word democracy. That is mob rule, pure and simple. Take a pack of wolves that come upon a rabbit in the woods. Lets take a vote on what's for dinner. The founders did not establish this country as a democracy. Senators were not to be elected by a popular vote and we as citizens have no RIGHT to vote for president. This all for good reason, which I will not go into now.

Back to decisions. We, as a people, can not keep doing the same things and expect to end up with different results. How many times do we elect the same Senator or Representative just because they are of our party. We keep electing the same people over and over and expecting a different outcome.

I know we need a fundamental change in this country, and I'm not referring to the one Obama campaigned on. I am not even referring to throwing out all the democrats. We have got to get back to the core values that made this country the greatest ever in the world. We have got to stand for honor and integrity. We have got to elect men that embody these traits. We have to demand that corruption and lust for power be eliminated (to the best of our ability-I know it will always be there). We need statesmen. We need patriots. Those who more than self their country love. Those who pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

Where are these men. I dare say there are any in Washington right now. We are squabbling over health care, or cap and trade, or this or that, yet we fail to demand hold our own elected officials accountable. They are the ones we have chosen to guard against the thief in the night (or day) that would destroy the Constitution. They are supposed to work for us.

Search and find those that holds these truths as their own. Support them. Fund them. If you elect them and they don't fulfill their duty, find one who will. You might be that ONE you are seeking. Be informed. Be passionate. Be active. Be vocal. Be true. Be prayerful. Be honest. Be loyal. Be the type of person that you want others to be.

That is all! (For Now)

El Toro Negro

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Dirt Monkey

It finally rained a bit here and the young uns are loving it. Here is a bit of this afternoon.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

MUST SEE- Jack Webb Schools Barack Obama on Healthcare

First let me say that I didn't find this on my own. I have a friend in Az. that had this on hi blog and I thought it was GREAT. If you never watch YouTube watch this one. I don't really need to say more than what is said here.

El Toro Negro

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Health Scare

As you know there is a great deal of discussion about "health care reform" or "insurance reform" as it is now being called. Me. I am at a loss as to what the heck the politicians of this country are thinking.

First let me say that the whole debate is being framed wrong. All we hear is what form the heath industry should be changed to or how it is going to be paid for, not to mention rationing or lack of availability. I have yet to hear a Senator or Representative say what I think to be the most important fact (perhaps they have and I haven't heard about it). It is not the proper role of the Federal Government to have any control of our health care. At most it should be left to the States. You know, the tenth amendment thing. It is an over reaching grab for control of our lives. Once they control our health and with the growing welfare state, they will virtually complete the enslavement of the citizenry of this country. Who dares defy the government. No Health Care For You!

They current grab for control has absolutely nothing to do with improving the quality of care. You haven't heard anyone say that the care will improve, or even stay the same (it can't). You haven't heard them say they will enroll themselves in the program. They aren't one of us. How dare we demand they live under the same rules as the common people.

I have heard the libs SAY that if everyone just gave a little we would be able to take care of everyone. Sounds great, right. But that's not what the are DOING. They aren't asking everyone to GIVE a little. They aren't even saying if we take a little from everyone. They are wanting to take nothing from some, a little form middle, and a disproportionate amount from the producers of the country. It makes me want to puke.

Heaven forbid we say anything. Heaven forbid we go to a public forum and voice our view. Who wouldn't be forceful when the alternative is to allow this nation to be destroyed from within. Why have we not heard one single solitary free market solution from a politician. There are about a dozen ideas that I have reviewed that would defiantly improve our current system. But they would not enslave us. They would not indebt us to the Government. They would not increase the power of Washington.

Let me pause to apologize. I have so much running through my mind that a lot gets lost, and I am afraid that a lot is disjointed. But I hope that you at least get the drift of my feelings. I hate what I am seeing happen. Let us all not only voice our opinions, but let us take action. Write, call and attend. Join and support groups that peacefully advocate liberty and freedom (two words you will not hear the libs use). Pray that God will direct our paths and the paths of our leaders. And finally, let's all REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER.

El Toro Negro