Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dog Theater

I had a great friend of mine, who tends to be a bit goofy, suggest this to me while we were at a movie.

You know how you can't go into a movie theater without having your feet stick to the floor and without having to kick aside the popcorn on the floor. It's just one of those things in life that never seem to change. People can't or won't use the garbage can as the exit the theater.

This friend of mine suggested that the theater acquire a few dogs and use them to clean the theater after every show. You wouldn't have to feed them much. They could live on the droppings of the patrons. You wouldn't have to feel guilty about spilling coke on the floor, or having your jawbreaker roll around on the floor because the dogs would be along to clean it up as soon as you leave. Perhaps you could even use them during the show. Who doesn't love petting a dog while watching the latest flick?

I could only see one downside to the whole thing. You would not have do dodge old nachos just dog droppings. I'm not 100% sure, but I think people might rather step in the nachos.

El Toro Negro

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