Friday, September 19, 2008

Lying For a Living

You ever hear of youtube?  Well I guess they have something going with Apple because there is an icon on our iTouch for YouTube that came already programed on it.  Anyway, I checked it out while visiting a man about a dog, and found that there is just about everything on there.  People put all kinds of "junk" on youtube.  I may have to venture into that genera some day.  

Matt Damon.  I have enjoyed some of his work.  The Jason Bourne stuff (I read the books and have to say that I am very disappointed, but that is another post)  , Ocean's Twelve, Good Will Hunting, etc.  I don't know his political leanings, although I could guess,  but I found a clip on youtube of an interview he did. He basically was freaking out about Sarah Palin being chosen as the VP of John McCain.  "How absurd" "How ridiculous" and "She's a hockey  mom and she going to have to stare down Putin."  I could not believe what I was seeing.  If I knew who posted it I would give it here but I am sure you can search for it and find it.

Here is the problem I have and it concerns most all of those in the acting profession.  Lets think about what these people do.  They attempt, some with greater success than others, to make us think they are some type of person that they are not.  A doctor, army general, secret agent, or whatever.  They are paid BIG bucks if they are good at convincing us they are something they really are not.  (I have to pause here and give one exception.  George Straight.  He pretty much played himself in Pure Country. I'm sure there are other examples.)  In REAL LIFE this type of behavior might at best be a con, some may even call it lying, and often times it can be criminal.  I once tried to convince an IRS agent that I was really a high ranking government official working undercover and that I was exempt from all taxes.  They didn't seem to think that was funny.  In REAL LIFE a person really does have to go to boot camp, receive training and etc. to be a government agent.  In REAL LIFE people really do have to go to medical school, and pass certain tests proving that they are qualified, to be a doctor.  

I am not sure what makes these actors (or famous singers etc. Go Brittany!) think they are qualified to try and convince the rest of us that they know something more than we do.  Maybe Matt really does think he is some math genius from Boston that knows everything.  Now I truly believe that everyone should become informed and has the right of expression.  Maybe all these actors really ARE that smart and really can do all the things their characters can do.  It is, perhaps, more the fault of the media.  Or, it is ultimately our fault for placing so much importance on these people and demanding "coverage" of what they think.  We give them the stage.  We put them on these high pedestals.  

OK.  Here's my beef.  What I really want to do is to make sure people give heed to those that deserve it.  In the end it is up to us to study and become informed, make up or own mind, ask the right questions of the right people and then pray to God (I literally mean get down on our knees and speak with God) and then support that right person.  If you find that "hollywood" is the best source of reliable information then by all means take what they say as truth.  But if you believe that these people might live I a altogether different world that us, remember that their specialty is making people believe something that isn't true.  

How do we know when they are "acting"?

El Toro Negro

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