Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Reality

What does it mean when several unrelated people tell you that there should be a reality show made about you or you and your family?  That has happened to me.  These people said it independently, on different occasions.  What is going on?  Am I not normal?  Does my family really resemble a reality show?  And the biggest question, can I make some cash out of the deal?  

I claim to be the most normal guy in America.  My wife, however, thinks differently.  Thus this blog was born.  I am proving to the world that I am just like anyone else.  I need to ask these people what it is exactly that causes them to say that.  It has to be something my wife or kids did.  Surely not me.  I don't really know.

What I do know is that I like my life, my wife, and my kids.  I hear all the time from other men how they can't stand their wife or kids.  What the heck is up with that?  I don't understand.  And when did kids become such a liability?  When I tell people we have six kids they can't believe it, or say something crazy like "I don't even want the one I have".  Sure, some things could be different in our life, and we work or some of them all the time.  But by and large I am a happy man.  I love my family.  I love being a husband and dad.

El Toro Negro

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